Monday, September 13, 2010

Positive Entrepreneurial Attitude = Recipe for Success

It’s widely accepted that a positive attitude can give you a happier and healthier life, but it’s less widely known that it can also help to make your business more successful.

Entrepreneurs need many qualities to be successful, with one of the most important being persistence. Even if they fail at something, they need to have the persistence to treat it as a learning experience, pick themselves up and keep moving forward.

If you visualize a given situation in a positive light, you’re likely going to see the possibilities rather than the failures. These possibilities might end up being the driving force that will keep you focused and moving towards your ultimate goal. Once you stop working with a particular goal in mind, you might as well look for something else to do.

A positive attitude usually makes one a happier person, and happier people are often a more appealing business partner. The idea is not to unrealistically look at every situation and consider it perfect, but to see a problem or negative result as a learning tool and look at it with its possibilities rather than it’s problems.

Of course looking at everything this way can be a tough thing to do, especially when the tangible results you see from a particular project aren’t what you were expecting. Here are a few steps, some large, some small, that you can take to put a more positive spin on your business and your life.

- Surround yourself with generally positive people. You can’t choose everyone you have to deal with on a day-to-day basis, but you can make sure the people you do choose aren’t dragging you down. If you have a good friend or family member that seems to take a negative slant to everything and you find that they seem to be bringing you down, tell then how you feel and try to make it a challenge to both turn your thinking around.

- Give yourself positive affirmations every day. These are positive statements about your business and yourself that you repeat to yourself at least once a day. You will likely find that you start believing these things more and more. You might want to even write them down and put them in a place that you’ll see every day.

- Make a list of your accomplishments. At the end of every business day, make a list of what you completed that day. Keep it positive and purposely push the negative thoughts out of your head. At the beginning of the next day you should read these accomplishments to help give you a positive start to your day. You can use the previous day’s accomplishments to chart your goals for the day and week ahead.

- Take care of yourself. It’s hard to be positive about the situation you are in if you don’t feel good about yourself. This can be done by eating better, exercising regularly, and keeping a normal schedule. If you feel like your business is causing stress, take a day or two off and allow yourself to rejuvenate. On these days, try not to look at email or answer your phone. Give your clients notice that you’ll be unavailable and go away. These breaks can be great for clearing your mind of negative thoughts and giving you a fresh new perspective on your business and your life.

Times can be tough, but looking at the potential of every situation instead of the problems can go a long way. If you take whatever steps are necessary to make yourself into a generally positive person, you might not only see a difference in your business results, but might also notice a higher quality of your personal life as well.



Logic Path

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