Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Benefits of Email Marketing

Email marketing is perhaps the most cost-effective direct marketing method, enabling marketers a degree of targeting along with the luxury of full tracking and analytics to measure and tweak results. By allowing direct delivery of targeted marketing message to voluntary recipients, an email marketing campaign can ensure business owners a solid ROI and deliver high-margin revenue. It also allows for the possibility to test new ideas and closely track metrics. As a result, email marketing remains an increasingly popular form of direct marketing among online business consultants and business owners alike, with growth far outstripping other marketing channels.

So what are the benefits of email marketing, and to what extent does it represent an attractive option for businesses looking to generate more sales leads?

The benefits of email marketing are multifaceted, and have seen it rise to one of the most commonly used direct marketing channels by online business consultants and business owners. By 2011, as email marketing continues to grow, it is projected that sales generated from it will reach $37 billion. Because of the targeted nature of email marketing, particularly with double opt-in subscribers, selling to email prospects is almost as easy as selling to customers in a shop: once they’re through the door, a certain percentage will certainly buy from you.

On average, it takes an average of communications with a prospect before they spend any money. With email marketing, you have the opportunity to build this proximate relationship and effectively and quickly turn lukewarm leads into sales. What’s more, with very little cost associated with sending email marketing messages, the benefits for your business can be profound. It’s also important to bear in mind that over time, you will have the opportunity to refine and test different campaign factors, to generate a closer relationship that generates even more in revenue in the future. Working with online business consultants to refine your marketing plan and email campaign, it is possible to constantly revise the formula upwards to deliver even more of a return on your campaign spend.

Email marketing opt in subscribers are also low-cost leads going forward, making it a popular marketing method for online business consultants. The cost of attracting a new lead is 5 to 10 times more expensive than retaining and selling to an existing one, thus capturing leads and marketing through an email autoresponder makes for an opportunity to sell to the same prospects going forward, multiple times over. Not only does this increase revenue per lead, but also decreases or even eliminates the cost of attracting new leads, to ultimately deliver more profit, regardless of the sector in which you operate.

Thus the advantages of implementing email marketing make it a worthwhile practice for a growing number of businesses. Most online business consultants will tell you the benefits of email marketing and the impact it can have on your business. Low-cost and high0impact, email marketing is fast becoming the mainstay of many businesses’ online marketing, delivering a measurable return on investment and driving more fresh sales prospects in the process.

For more information on email marketing, or to sign up for a membership that includes the solution, please visit the Logic Path Marketing Club page.



Logic Path

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