According to recent data from ABI Research, consumers are increasingly demanding smartphones. It’s only a matter of time before most consumers have a smartphone, especially since by 2014 45% of the smartphones shipped that year will be priced below $200.
This of course offers opportunities for mobile marketing, makes it more and more interesting to create a mobile version of your website but it also has important consequences for mobile email.
According to the ‘European email marketing consumer report 2009’ from contactlab, email accounts are more often checked on smartphones, although there are important differences per country.
In Italy for instance 12.4% of consumers access their email accounts via their smartphone, in the UK that’s 7.6% and in Germany 6.5%. Remember: we are also talking consumers here and adoption of smartphones is growing very rapidly. We don’t know many professional users that don’t check their emails on their iPhone, BlackBerry or whatever.
Mobile email is growing and it will keep on growing. However reading email on mobile phones isn’t always that easy, as the people at Emailgarage told us. That’s an issue you’d best keep in mind when drawing out your (mobile) email campaigns.
But how exactly do you go about keeping this important user group satisfied? For starters, you could shorten and clearly describe your URLs. That will prevent them from being cut halfway, making them useless.
Also keep an eye on the weight of your images and optimize rendering when images or html are turned off. And it’s always a clever idea to add a link to view the message in its full glory on your website.
Mobile email usage will keep on growing as smartphones and mobile web devices become standard. Make sure your email communication is optimized for this mobile (r)evolution.
For customized, hands-off email and mobile marketing solutions, please visit our solutions page.
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