Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Good Website Visitor Experience Is Important

Most small business owners have a website. Many think they need a website just because everyone else has one. Well, that’s not exactly a solid internet marketing strategy. After all, a website that doesn’t generate visitors that result in sales is not doing its job.

The objective of your business website should not only be to drive more traffic to it, but also to enhance each visitor’s experience while they are there. After that, it should also give them enough reason to return again and again.

You’ll often hear internet marketers discussing the importance of adding value. What does this mean, if anything? Adding value on your website simply means providing useful information or services to people. Before thinking about getting their money, you should consider what it is that will make them want to purchase from you. Ask yourself what you can do to make their life just a little bit easier while they are there.

Take Amazon for example. Their website is clearly designed to sell products. However, it’s also a good experience for the user. Products are grouped into categories, everything is easy to find, and there are reviews and discounts on most products. The creators of the Amazon website took great care to create a good user experience. And it shows in their bottom line.

Your business may not be as huge as Amazon, but you can follow their example.

Consider the following examples:

- Do you own a restaurant? A restaurant should always have an online menu. Many people search online for local restaurants and ratings. This is especially true of people who travel a lot. Visitors to your website will appreciate seeing your menu, plus a list of locations and phone numbers. You will likely get more diners than the restaurant without an online menu or website.

- Are you a watch repairperson? A watch repair shop website should have a list of services and prices. The address and phone number should also be easy to find. Once again, you’d be surprised at the number of small businesses that aren’t online. And those who are often miss the mark with their website.

Thanks to internet marketing, small businesses can now compete on a major scale. You never know who will visit your website, but you can control their experience.

Make things easy for your visitors. Give them a good website experience so they’ll want to do business with you, then you have the opportunity to gain a customer for life. And, after all, isn’t that the goal?


Withstanding the Recession Using Email Marketing

Small business owners need to find additional means of promotion during tough economic times. Relying on a single method, such as an ad in the phone book or a newspaper, isn’t enough anymore. Most other ad mediums, such as radio and television, are often too expensive for the average business owner to use on a frequent basis.

Downsizing or reducing prices offers a short term solution in a failing economy. However, building a lasting relationship with your target market and keeping the lines of communication open is a far more cost efficient and effective method.

Large corporations often concentrate on these expensive marketing campaigns, including television ads, radio spots, and ads in national publications. They understand the importance of attracting new sales and getting repeat business during times of economic strife. Small business owners can sometimes be at a disadvantage because they don’t have as big of an advertising budget.

Small businesses need marketing just as much as large companies. In fact, they need it more because they’re competing against companies with more money and more resources.

As marketing budgets come under more pressure, businesses are now looking for methods that have a proven return-on-investment (ROI) so that they can get more bang from their marketing bucks. Because of this, a lot of businesses are using online marketing methods such as e-mail and mobile marketing which are proven to outperform traditional media such as advertising.

According to a study by the Direct Marketing Association, the ROI from email marketing in 2009 was $43.62 for every dollar spent, while direct offline marketing had an ROI of just $15.55 for ever dollar invested. (Source: The Power of Direct Marketing Economic Study by the Direct Marketing Association).

Email and mobile marketing are the most cost-effective way to increase sales. Small businesses can use them to stay in touch with current clients and customers. They can also use them to contact potential prospects. They allow small business owners to utilize a level of personalization, tracking, and awareness far greater than typical forms of advertising. They also allow for much more flexibility in scheduling – messages can be delivered instantaneously, as opposed to a weekly newspaper ad or radio spot.

Most large companies seek the counsel of internet marketing consultants on a regular basis, in addition to their own public relations staff. Small businesses can also benefit from the services of consultants to implement and manage internet marketing solutions.

Make sure you check out Logic Path’s self-managed and full-service email marketing solutions that are built to help any business withstand the recession.



Thursday, August 26, 2010